The Edge Of Glory, 2018

Pressurised polyurethane foam, ultraviolet coating, polyurethane high gloss lacquer, thermoplastic acrylic paint, polyvinyl acetate adhesive, epoxy resin, resin, silicone, surgical lubricant, LED lights, and heat resistant colour filter​
Dimensions variable

A Dive, Splendid!
Graduation Showcase
​​9 Winsted Road
Fri 20 Apr – Tue 24 Apr 2018

The immersive installation work consists of nine variously sized sculptures, constructed with industrial materials; pressurised polyurethane foam, ultraviolet coating, polyurethane high gloss lacquer, thermoplastic acrylic paint, polyvinyl acetate adhesive, epoxy resin, resin, silicone, surgical lubricant, LED lights, and heat resistant colour filter. Though it is made from these manufactured chemicals and yet, they do have an organic feeling to it. Inspired by biomorphic abstraction and Post Minimalism, the towering polymorphic, phallic, bulbous structures placed in adverse ways that protrude and lean against their surrounding architectural spaces, thus arresting the viewers. Each sculptural work is reminiscent of the bodily likeness, or perhaps a wasp nest that seems to be growing out from the walls, floor, and ceilings, infecting the alien yet familiar atmosphere.

The use of polyurethane maximises the physical characteristics of the material itself to an amorphous shape that resembles the fluid, shape-shifting figures of cancerous tumours, arteries, and faeces - when it cures, resulting in an entropic and abject form. The resin is used to achieve a high gloss finish on the surfaces, to mimic bodily fluids. The process is a cathartic one that leads to post-traumatic growth in my personal life and studio practice. Thus, it leads to the discovery of beauty in the abject and abjection in beauty.